Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Sometimes some of these things just push me past the boiling point.

Yes, the family has a 41 year-old graduate son still "living off" them. So what? And they are seeking professional counseling help to deal with the stress of their situation. Why the hell do you have so much crap to say about them over a newspaper article? For that matter, why is this even in the news?

I'm a 41 year-old Ph.D. graduate "living off" my folks. So ... yah ... thanks a lot! What of it now my "friend," you want to try to call me a dead-beat too?


Kevin Jang said...

Singaporean society has many people living with their parents even after marriage, partially because they cannot afford the expensive housing and have to wait for a long time period before collecting the keys to their new apartment. I think that this article which you linked to shows that Singaporean media is brainless in trying to shift the blame all onto the adults instead of the flawed policies which make it almost impossible for singles to get a room of his or her own whatever his or her age.

Chee Wai Lee said...

I'm taking a break from Facebook for about a month. I've noticed I often suffer significant stress-related issues (shortness of breath) not long after getting on and reading some of the crap there.

Kevin Jang said...

Yes, I refuse to read Singapore-related stuff for a while now. Have been avoiding blogs about that even if written by people who are not Singaporeans.

Chee Wai Lee said...

Sometimes it is just what we do to stay sane. I have an insatiable need to keep in touch with other human beings though. Guess I'll do that via email with good friends I have back in the States, and also to a lesser extent over here on this blog.

Kevin Jang said...

I am going to miss Korean friends once I leave, but seriously, I would do anything to cut off ties with Singapore right now and to confirm that I will obtain Aussie citizenship in 5 years' time. That is my priority right now, and no one will stop me from getting it. Staying on in South Korea, which is sadly similar to Singapore in the aspect of looking at appearances and facades, can drain you in the long run if you want to keep up appearances, not to mention that I have no intention of starting from scratch again and stressing myself unnecessarily with brushing up my Korean to native level, although I can probably speak relatively fluently or at least understand what people are saying mostly now.

Chee Wai Lee said...

Best of luck to you. I hope your quest for Australian citizenship will be smooth.

I tell myself that should I get a second opportunity out of here, I will seek a path to citizenship elsewhere as soon as I can. No more tarrying about because I wanted to show myself useful. I now know I can, I just need to not feel like I am on shaky ground when I do.

Kevin Jang said...

The road to citizenship is confirmed. I will be studying a vocational course there for at least a year, and working part-time in between to pay off the living expenses.

My main point is that it is better to leave Singapore first, and not tarry and wait for the residency to come. Residency will come when you leave first. I hate Singapore actually, as far as you might remember from what I said. My whole life has been partially a life of obstructions due to that passport. When I give it up, that will change. In fact, things are already changing.

Kevin Jang said...

Your symptoms related to Singapore are shortness of breath and frustration. Mine are way more serious....such as sustained bouts of depression and panic attacks. I recommend leaving Singapore first, even if it is to do a temporary job somewhere else where you might nto get residency easily, and then find a way to get a residency somewhere else. That was what I did, by going to Japan first before I got the AUS residency visa.

Chee Wai Lee said...

Actually things got real for me in the past month or so. Apparently, the stress coupled with some other factors (allergies/weather? I don't know) recently pushed me into a second serious breakout of severe eczema in a month.

Right now, I'm just trying to keep myself on an even keel. The shortness of breath are the obvious signs of my stress acting up again. Since I now know these have actual physical health implications on me, I'm trying to limit my sources of stress ... so I'm staying out of Facebook and limiting chat time with friends while I try to recover. I'll admit it is rough ... feeling stressed-out over the need the limit my stress is a crazy exercise. I'm not necessarily winning right now, but I am taking advantage of the fact that the antibiotic regime (my third so far *sigh*) is keeping any worsening of my skin condition at bay, so at least things don't feel quite as bad as it could be.