Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Update: A Caption Change

I think it is a good time for a small caption change. Nothing has changed where my circumstance is concerned, I am still unemployed and still hoping to find a life/career path that means something dear to me. However I think I am finally ready to begin to leave the trauma behind, and reach out into the future with a little more optimism in my outlook.

So, a good bye to:
"Mostly infrequent random stuff. I've been quite tired the past few years. Am hoping to relax, regroup, and reach out for something better in the near future."
 While I will not look back to this period of my life with any joy, it has been an important chapter nonetheless. It is one during which I was forced to spend a serious amount of time contemplating who I am, and what I'd like to do with my life. That contemplation has yielded some results, and some focus. Life will still be emotionally tough going forward over the next year or so, but I have a path forward that looks promising and is one I feel comfortable with.


Kevin Jang said...

When we get a chance to catch up personally again, do tell me how your new plans are coming up. Either way, unemployment is not necessarily a bad thing if you have made alternative plans on how to occupy yourself. In the interim, you will also learn a bit more about yourself and other people, and about who matters and who does not.

Chee Wai Lee said...

Plans haven't changed. It is more like my mood has. Just that little less depressed, and a little more optimistic going forward.

Kevin Jang said...

The mindset does affect your progress to a certain extent. After all, even if the time in which you take to get to your plans' fulfillment is the same whether you are depressed or more easygoing, being more optimistic and cheerful helps you to have a better quality of life in that time period. This is precisely why when those former housemates of mine say some judgmental stuff back then all the time, I just tell myself, "They are just sh-t anyway. I do not need to care about what they say if I do not care for them."

Kevin Jang said...

This will entertain you, and let you know that the red dot is not that much different from this other country. LOL, in another version, I listened to the Korean speech issued while the fireworks were going on, and were they really similar to the NDP Parade lol....