Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Singapore Hall of Fame: #1 - Nickson Fong

Having discovered the deeds and achievements of Nickson Fong in the realm of film production only today, I would like to occasionally dedicate entries on this blog to Singaporeans who have achieved much but failed to appear on my radar. That is not supposed to mean anything - it could just be me not happening to pay attention to the news when these individuals were mentioned. Of course, I am also biased - I tend to focus on what interests me. You can treat these entries as dedications to people whom I personally feel ought to have a higher profile in Singapore society than I think they appear to have.

Without ado, my very first entry will be on *drum roll* Nickson Fong!

Who is he? He was just recently (edit: "to be" - I re-read the post and the date raised a "WTF" moment with me, so I double-checked, heh) awarded (Feb 9 2013) an Oscar for being a member of the team that invented the Pose Space Deformation method which was apparently widely used in the creation of special effects:

The published scientific article (published way back in 2000) can be found here:

In addition, Nickson has been involved in a fair number of high profile movies over a 15 year period (or more):

Some additional details about him can also be found at:

The above link may be outdated since it only refers to his work up to 2009. Also, his company (Egg Story Digital Arts Academy (ESDAA)) which was supposed to have been founded in Singapore no longer has a valid web site ( From his LinkedIn profile, it looks like he has moved that company (same name) to Los Angeles. No time frame information is available on his profile, so it is unclear if that is his current status.

I look forward to seeing more good stuff from him in the coming years!

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